The French and Indian War

One of today’s post is about The French and Indian war which was also called The 7-Year War, because as its name says so it lasted 7 years. This war was fought in The Ohio River Valley near the Canadian territory. In here, the French fought against the British, which the commander of the British army was George Washington. Yes, the man who was the first president of the United States when it declare independence from the British, also fought in favor of the British back then. You may be asking why was it called The French and Indian War if it was between the French in the Canadian territory against the British? It was called this way because the Indian allied with the French to fight against the British. The Indians did not like the British because the British took away their land, the native Indian land. This war was not only fight in the new American territory were the colonies were settled but in every part of the world were British and French where


The British suffered losses at first during the years 1756 to 1757. During these years, the French destroyed British forts at lake Ontario. Indians raged frontier settlements located in Pennsylvania and Virginia. Suddenly the next year in 1758 the war shifts in favor of the British. During the years 1758 to 1759, the British dominated the war. The British cut off the shipping of the French supplies to America, as a result the Indians deserted the French and this allowed the British to capture some mayor French ports that secured the entrance to Saint Laurent river. In 1759, the British troops advanced and took Quebec. They continued to advance and in 1760, the British took over Montreal. After they took over Montreal they ask the governor to surrender all Canada.

Before the war ended, Spain joined the French war in 1762, they failure and surrendered Florida to British. Due to this lost, France gave to Spain the Louisiana territory west of the Mississippi after signing the 1762 Treaty of Fontainebleau. In the 7 year war, the British succeeded. The war in North America ended in 1761 but fighting continued in other parts of the globe for two more years. Finally in 1763 the war came to an end after signing The Treaty of Paris. The British, who won the war, claimed Canada and all French territories east of the Mississippi River excepting this famous city of New Orleans. These was the French and Indian War but remember it was also called the 7-Year War. Visit the blog later for more history of the famous American Revolution.